Hon’ble Ms. Anita Kapur, Chairperson of the CBDT, has addressed a letter dated 8th May 2015 to the Principal Chief Commissioners, Director Generals etc pointing out that the number of existing income tax payers is low compared to the potential and that the gap between the potential and the actual tax payers appears to be wider in the case of tier-II cities and towns. Ms Kapur has stated that considering the priorities of the Government and the need to widen the tax base, a concerted and focused effort in mission mode is required. She has called upon the department to strive for adding at least 25 lakhs new assesses per month during the current financial year. She has also stated that the assessment and investigation charges have been the mainstay of the Department’s efforts to widen tax base. She has directed the top brass to come prepared to present and discuss specific strategies for widening the tax base of each region and at national level and also to send a brief note on the suggested strategy. The officers have also been requested to forthwith focus their attention on this issue and deploy & activate the officers to achieve this goal.